10 Played-Out Online Dating Messages That Guys Send Women
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You know the saying “first impressions last a lifetime”? Well, it’s true and it even applies to online dating message writing. We’re most impressed by guys who actually read our profile and ask us questions about things we’ve mentioned in it. Crazy idea, I know! If you avoid these 10 common (and disastrous) phrases guys often send to ladies online, you are guaranteed to have better luck and get more responses. 1. “Hi.” What says “I am lazy and not really that interested” more than a single syllable word for a message?
2. “You’re hot/sexy/attractive.” And you are using the most unoriginal and vaguely scummy combination of words in the online dating world.
3. “What are you looking for on here?” A lost dog? A shoelace? Lindsay Lohan’s sanity? No fellas, girls are looking for dates, hence the reason why they are on a dating website.
4. “What are your plans for the weekend?” Perhaps he’s just making polite chit-chat, but he could also be gearing up to ask you on a date without any conversation first. Any girl who reads this as a first-ever message from a dude is thinking he seems really desperate.
5. “I wud luv 2 get 2 kno u.” This kind of message makes me wonder, did he graduate high school?
6. My name is (name). I am (height), have (color) eyes and (color) hair. I am a down-to-earth guy who loves to work out and take care of my body. This information is most likely already in your profile, so it does not need to be copy and pasted into a message. Think of something more interesting to say, for God’s sake.
7. “I have a girlfriend/I am married, but …” She is a blow-up doll name Trixie? She is a ghost that only visits once a year? No matter how this sentence ends, it’s creepy, unless the recipient has indicated an interest in polyamory. I have not.
8. “You would be lucky to go out with me.” There is an line drawn between confident and cocky. This message crosses that line.
9. “Do you work at ___ ?” Maybe guys think it’s cool if they recognize from your photo that you made their latte at Starbucks. It is well-intentioned, but easy to misfire. Women think it’s kind of creepy that you know how to find us.
10. Call me sometime. (555)425-5555. Whoa, buddy, slow down! If you want to exchange numbers in the first message, what will you expect to do on the first date?
These are just 10 of the lame messages we’ve gotten from dudes online dating. Ladies, tell us what other ones you’ve received in the comments!